Healing Beyond Diagnosis Pre-registration

Healing Beyond Diagnosis is a three-course series that outlines a holistic approach that goes beyond medical treatment, offering healing on the many composites of our being, including soul and cellular. It also includes 12 Healing Prayers for Breast cancer Survivors, a 5-step prayer process that anyone can apply to their life, an effective way to connect with God’s specific guidance for you, and a 15-day strategy to activate, integrate and anchor life-changing prayer into your life.
Mental Readiness
Preparing for Healing by Kathi J Kemper, M.D., M.P.H After more than thirty years, I’m finally coming out of the closet. I’ve been to medical school, completed a residency and a fellowship, taught at prestigious medical schools, received NIH grants, conducted research, held leadership positions in national medical societies, and published more than 150 […]
Unlocking Your Potential In Mind In Body

Strength training mp3s – innovation in health and sport Passionate about exercise, I completed my Masters in Physical Education at Washington State University and spent the next 20 years working in health and fitness industry in the UK. In 2010 I found myself unable to exercise due to TNBC treatment. In my quest for self-help, […]
Teaming Up to Bring Fitness and Health Care Referrals to Breast Cancer Patients and Survivors

Camdenton, MO– Breast Cancer Wellness Magazine (BCWM) has partnered with the Medical Fitness Network (MFN) – the provider of a fitness, healthcare, and wellness referral service for those with a chronic illness or who are pre/postnatal – to connect breast cancer patients and survivors with providers and services that will best fit their needs. The Medical […]
Money, Mindset and Manifesting

In this issue we are talking with Life and Legacy Wealth Coach and Certified Financial Planner™, Katana Abbott who has a harrowing money story, which she will share with us. But rather than focus on her past, I want each of us to learn from Katana, how she became unstuck and stopped listening to the […]
Hunting happiness?

Easter weekend is nearly upon us. As a child I looked forward to our traditional Easter egg hunt, hunting happiness in the garden. Whatever the weather, on hearing my father announce the arrival of the ‘Easter bunny’ my brother and I would rush outside, paper bag in hand to delve amongst the spring foliage, peering […]
Love Yourself Generously!

Today is Valentine’s Day and it has become a “Hallmark Holiday” that focuses on romance, hearts, chocolate and flowers. Love and romance are idealized in ways that some people experience and many don’t ~ and we can be swayed by all this messaging to think there’s something to strive for and then we’ll know true […]
What does the T.S.A. have to do with Intimacy and Sexuality?

On Saturday I had an encounter with TSA on my way to catch a flight from Boston to San Francisco. It’s strange enough that travel these days involves disrobing and sometimes being patted down. But when there are questionable items in carry-on luggage, it adds even more insult to the experience. First some “hot spots” […]
Making the most of every day…
Last Monday I went for a run (who am I kidding? More like a slow jog) I hadn’t been in a few weeks so I was quite pleased to be feeling pretty good. Just over a mile in it all changed. I stepped squarely on a rock which seemed to penetrate the bottom of my […]
Looking forward
I have to tell you all that I am looking forward to spending more time here blogging. It may be randomness at its best, related to breast cancer, thriving, stage IV, caregiving, and a multitude of other things. Hope you comment soon and come back often. Every day we are killing cancer!