- Delivering assistance to mastectomy retail outlets all over the United States to reach the newly diagnosed.
- Providing Nurse Navigators Organizations a valuable resource to distribute among their breast cancer patients.
- Giving advocacy to thousands of women that have/had breast cancer women with education and documented resource materials.
- Offering a true fellowship among women to assist in changing their physical health and mindset as they face their future.
- Believing and promoting wellness through body, mind and spirit. Charges women with a be proactive in body, mind and spirit for their breast cancer journey.
- Encouraging and educating women to be Ambassadors of Wellness in order that women will reach their community with more substance of education of personal responsibility in health.
- Providing Breast Cancer Thrivers Cruise, an annual experience where breast cancer thrivers and their caregivers have uninterrupted, focused opportunity in an safe and healing atmosphere. With six years of experience our cruise has experiential testimonials from women of all ages and walks of life.
- Fundraising for stage IV breast cancer thrivers—giving them the opportunity to attend the annual Breast Cancer Thrivers Cruise.
You can assist us, strengthen us to fullfil our mission. Please join us.
Email [email protected] for more opportunity.
- To teach healing principles for empowering your mind, body, and spirit.
- To bring together organizations and businesses who have products and services that support you after a diagnosis of breast cancer.
- To help expand minds and beliefs for healing possibilities {including our own}.
- To encourage a survivor to “Be a Thriver!”
- To support you to use your inner wisdom so you can make choices that are not based in fear, but based on what is best for you.
- To honor every healing choice you make without judgment or bias to religion, culture, Western medicine, Eastern medicine, botanical medicine or no medicine.
- To support responsibility and accountability for patients and healthcare providers.
- To create venues for breast cancer thrivers, families, and friends to have lifetime memories of fun and fellowship.
- The purpose of our work is to help prepare the world to live without breast cancer.