The Power of Purpose

There is Power and Purpose in Everything


Along with the diagnosis of breast cancer comes fear, unfamiliar medical terms, a new way of trying to manage even the simplest of tasks, and more decisions than most of us are prepared to handle at one time. But the diagnosis also brings these questions:

Many have defined the diagnosis of breast cancer as a life-changing experience, yet at the time of diagnosis most of us do not know what it is we are to be changing into or where the road will lead us. It is the not knowing that often times is perplexing and uncomfortable. However:

Did Nancy Brinker, Founder of the Susan G. Komen for the Cure, know that when she made the promise to her beloved sister that she would create an unstoppable momentum through worldwide patient, volunteer, political, and medical advocacies? Did Nancy know that her passion and commitment to this heartfelt purpose would not only change the world, but also herself and millions of others in the process?

Did any of us know that our lives would be changed to a different perspective and with a new purpose from a diagnosis of breast cancer and that we would learn so rapidly to start living our life in a way that matters most to us? I have met hundreds of women that consciously chose to change their lives and how they serve others after a diagnosis of breast cancer. Many have changed relationships, careers, and lifestyles. Many breast cancer survivors have become mastectomy fitters, nurses, caregivers, volunteers, authors, speakers, designers of pink ribbon products, fundraisers, leaders, philanthropists, musicians, therapists, movie producers, talk show hosts and made changes to what they were most passionate about. Most survivors have set out to live their remaining days with the purpose of making the most of life, and many are choosing to live their life anew by applying the Golden Rule more often.

A few suggestions for exerting more power into your purposes for healing, for sharing, for living, and for making a difference for others as well as yourself are: