What does the T.S.A. have to do with Intimacy and Sexuality?

On Saturday I had an encounter with TSA on my way to catch a flight from Boston to San Francisco. It’s strange enough that travel these days involves disrobing and sometimes being patted down. But when there are questionable items in carry-on luggage, it adds even more insult to the experience. First some “hot spots” […]
There’s a Party in Aisle 15 ~ What Does Hardware Have to do with Sexuality?

Recently a friend told me that this image reminded her of me and my work. As I looked at it, I laughed, getting the joke. And then it got me thinking about how we sometimes make jokes or shame ourselves about our sexuality. You’ve probably seen the knowing winks and heard the snickers when the […]
On Wisdom, Perception and Sexuality

The breast cancer journey brings many twists, turns and surprises on the path. A big surprise is the impact on our sense of femininity and attractiveness, which naturally impacts intimacy and sexuality. How can that not happen? The balance of our emotions, thoughts and spirit greatly affect how we perceive our bodies. This is a […]