Healing Beyond Diagnosis:
Harnessing the Life-Changing Power of Prayer for Breast cancer Survivors
Healing Beyond Diagnosis is an 8-week virtual course. We will meet once a week for approximately 60 minutes beginning October 7.
The course is specifically designed to help breast cancer survivors experience a deeper healing experience after diagnosis. The course offers insights and valuable tools that teach how to experience less trauma, less despair, less pain, and greater healing results.
The concepts and steps in the course are not difficult to do.
While there are many similarities among breast cancer survivors, we each have an individual path for our life, and that sometimes makes the journey challenging and questionable such as if the treatment worked for Sally, why isn’t it working for me.
As you gain greater connection with God, you will begin to experience a shift in your body, spirit, and vitality as a result of engaging and receiving God’s healing touch over your life. Throughout the course, you will be supported and guided to activate and integrate more healing into your daily life.

- A Prayer of Protection and Guidance to use throughout this course and throughout your life
- 12 Healing Prayers for Breast cancer Survivors
- Instructions on how to begin your transformational healing journey
- Insights and tips on how to manage when others (family members, friends, neighbors, co-workers, employers, medical teams, creditors) don’t understand what you’ve been through and what you’re going through
- Wisdom from a medical doctor about what his terminally ill cancer patients taught him about healing
- A fun yet enlightening three-minute exercise that expands mental awareness to bring greater clarity into your life when it is most needed
- The 5-Step Life-Changing Prayer Process, with specific instructions to implement each of the five, simple steps
- Measurable results
- The signals to watch for that convey a healing transformation is happening
Healing oftentimes comes in layers, depending upon our individual needs to move to the next level of healing. The tools and insights provided in this course will help you heal each of these layers as they may arise in your healing journey.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is this Course for?
This course is for breast cancer survivors, any age and any stage of diagnosis, who:
- Seek to wholly heal after being diagnosed with breast cancer
- Are concerned about recurrence or progression of breast cancer
- Seek relief from anxiety, confusion, indecisiveness, loneliness, helplessness or hopelessness
- Don’t know where to begin to create a new life after diagnosis
- Seek to have their relationship with God to be recharged after diagnosis
- Seek God’s intervention
- Don’t know who to trust or where to turn
- Face growing financial debt
This course is for those who are interested in taking their healing to a level that only God has provided for each of us.
What will you experience as a result of completing this Course?
You will not only experience greater peace, trust, and confidence, but you will also gain tools to enrich and empower your life to more fully heal after diagnosis.
Healing beyond diagnosis means to align with the knowledge that there is something greater for your life that awaits you as a result of wholly (Holy) healing. Prayer leads the way for the greatest healing advantages possible.
There are many definitions for the word “heal.” My favorite definition of healing is “to make whole again”, to return to the vibrant being that God created us to be.
What is needed to take these courses?
- Computer with internet connection and link to Zoom (we will send you the link to download access to Zoom, with instructions for first-time Zoom users.)
- Printer to print the Healing Beyond Diagnosis Course Workbook
- Your favorite pen
- Optional: journal
How long does it take to complete the course?
This is an 8-week course. The course has 8 modules, with a homework assignment each week. The modules will be recorded each week so that you can review or replay at your convenience. At the end of each module, participants will be able to ask questions. Zoom allows for your participation to be anonymous for those who wish to protect their privacy.
Each module will be less than 20 to 25 minutes each week, with additional time allotted so that questions can be fully answered in real time.
Is there a money-back guarantee?
Yes. There is a no-questions-asked, 100% money-back guarantee if you are not happy with this course.
What is the cost for this course?
The cost is $97.00. This gives you access to all modules for 12 months so that you can review or replay as needed.
The cost of the course can be paid in full or by using the 3-payment and the 5-payment option.
Is this course focused on any specific religious denominations?
No, the lessons included in this course are non-denominational and not specific to a designated theology or religious beliefs yet align with Christian values.
What if any of your family doesn’t believe in prayer, religion, or faith the same way that you do?
A relationship through prayer with God is a very personal experience; one that nothing else compares to yet is often tested by those who don’t understand or who haven’t yet experienced the life-enriching opportunity for themselves.
Your healing experiences with prayer can be shared with others as you feel inclined to share, but in time, those close to you most likely will see the life-changes happening through you. These changes may be as subtle as more peace, confidence, and calmness in your life, and you may experience these changes more internally or possibly more confidently as you begin to take your life back.
How difficult is it to learn and to apply the 5-step prayer process?
The process itself is not only simple, but our connection with God is an inherent birthright that is already within all of us but sometimes our childhood, culture, or life’s challenges and traumas too often deter us away from our relationship with God.
At times, our ego or unwillingness may get in the way of seeing our experiences from a higher or more realistic perspective. But once the 5-step prayer process is anchored into your daily activities, the process is yours to keep for life.
Since a workbook is included in the course, why might you want to write in a journal as an option?
The Course Workbook includes the opportunity to measure your prayer progress and provides an effective way to contrast your emotions and your physical well-being and your life from beginning to completion of the course so that you can see for yourself that you are making healing progress. A private journal can be beneficial to make note of personal insights or revelations that come up for you as a result of this course.
What if your diagnosis has been determined to be terminal by my doctor, how can prayer help you?
Prayer is a very personal experience; prayer makes it safe to trust what is ahead in our life, and helps us see things differently, including our passage out of this human experience. Prayer also helps us to heal so that we are freer to enter the Kingdom of Heaven without these trespasses by others and your trespasses unto others to be forgiven. The 5-step prayer process brings peace to move forward in ways that are in alignment with our soul’s journey.
Is there any proof that confirms that prayer is truly life-changing?
The moderator of this course, I will share several personal, captivating examples of how the power of prayer was harnessed for multiple God interventions in my life and my family’s lives. In addition, I will share the fascinating lab results from a renown scientist and what his experiment conveyed about the collective power of caring. In addition, I’m excited to share the 30-day transformational experience that defied modern-day medicine after one man’s diagnosis with cancer.
Can prayer help alleviate the emotional and psychological challenges associated with breast cancer diagnosis and treatment?
Absolutely. Prayer provides relief for all areas of our life and provides a safe haven to shift out of aspects of our life that are harmful or unhealthy. Prayer brings peace, calmness, comfort, and releases discomforting feelings of overwhelm, helplessness and hopelessness.
What type of results should you expect as a result of taking this course?
You will experience varying degrees of transformation and relief. In addition, you will be able to see for yourself how prayer brings out the best in your life. Completing each segment in the workbook in sequence will keep you on track to see these results for yourself.
To Get Started:
Upon receipt of your payment, you will receive your first homework assignment and the link to our first Zoom meeting.
Yes, homework, but not to worry, the homework is how you will begin to align with the healing principles in this course.
Who is the moderator?
Hello, I am Beverly Vote, the moderator for Healing Beyond Diagnosis Course. You may know me as the publisher of the Breast Cancer Wellness Magazine or the founder of the Breast Cancer Thrivers Cruise. Diagnosed at age 38, now a 32-year survivor, I have personally witnessed the miraculous, life-changing and life-saving differences that prayer makes in the lives of others, in my own life, and in my family’s lives.
These life-changing experiences are available to all of us. My life is no more special than anyone else and these God interventions are not limited to a few, but to all of us, even though a diagnosis of breast cancer too often makes us doubt our worthiness to receive God’s guidance, God’s Grace, God’s holy – healing touch.
I look forward to sharing this 8-week, life-changing journey with you.
Please know I am not an ordained priest or pastor, but I am a Faith Believer, and it took the diagnosis of breast cancer to shake me to my core to realize that God heals and that when we add God into our healing equation, greater results happen than when we try to do it alone. Period.